Latest News

6 May 2024

Club President John Spillane reflects on his Saturday spent with the mighty (and unbeaten) Internationals...

5 May 2024

While the sun was shining on another stunning autumn afternoon, the results at Hutt Rec weren't so hot...

29 April 2024

Former Premier player John McBeth has bestowed a great honour on MSP by presenting his military medals to the club...

29 April 2024

While rugby often builds 'brotherhood' amongst teams, Marist St Pats has a long tradition of brothers playing for the club...

29 April 2024

Club President, John Spillane, shares his latest thoughts after week four of rugby and encourages support for our MSP Club Day...

29 April 2024

We are planning to replace the reserves benches at Evans Bay to keep the teams under cover at during the winter months...

29 April 2024

The installation of new lighting for Evans Bay Park is well underway thanks to a massive team effort...

29 April 2024

The Evans Bay faithful have been buzzing about the new first-five in town as Rique Miln after an impressive start to the season...

28 April 2024

Marist St Pats would like to acknowledge our Back of Jersey sponsors who generously support our club...

28 April 2024

Livestreaming of club rugby has become more widespread and is a great way for supporters to stay connected wherever they are...


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